The Conference
Critical Care / Tactical Medic ISBC 16-Hour Refresher

Testing on Nov 17 at 12 pm. Must
register on IBSC website by Oct 29.
Free Workshops
Around the Town Social

Share Your Research -
Present your poster today!

The Alabama EMS Conference will display and feature Scientific Poster Presentations. Poster presentations will be formally judged during the conference on Nov 14th and an Outstanding Research Award will be presented at the evening dinner.
Deadline: Nov 1, 2023 at 5:00pm CST
Presentation: Nov 13, 2023 at 1130
Abstracts must be submitted as a form to include an attachment in MS Word format (Macintosh or Windows) without names or institutions listed. Objective, methods, results, and conclusion sections should be included, with 3200 maximum number of characters allowed (including spaces). Use single-line spacing. Leave one line of space between paragraphs. Left justify all text. Word documents should have 1-inch margins, and text in Times font, 12-point size. Please use the “word count” feature under “Tools” in Word.
The form entree should list the names of participants in the study, institutional affiliations, and funding sources, and identify the person who represents the poster at the conference. The reference must be supplied.
Travel expenses are not covered for the person attending the conference. Conference registration will be one complimentary ticket to the conference.